Bilimsel Yayınlar ve Atıflar

Prof. Dr. Osman ERGANİŞ

  1. Development and preclinical evaluation of virus-like particle vaccine against COVID-19 infection
  2. Efficacy of experimental inactivated and live Rhodococcus equi vaccines for thoroughbred Arabian mares in mice
  3. The Effectiveness of Anti-R. equi Hyperimmune Plasma against R. equi Challenge in Thoroughbred Arabian Foals of Mares Vaccinated with R-equi Vaccine
  4. A comparative study on detection of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale antibodies in meat-type turkeys by dot immunobinding assay, rapid agglutination test and serum agglutination test
  5. Hemagglutination, hydrophobicity, enterotoxigenicity, and drug-resistance characteristics of avian Escherichia coli

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Prof. Dr. Uçkun Sait UÇAN

  1. Plasmids and protein patterns of Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitis in Konya, Turkey
  2. Detection of canine brucellosis by a rapid agglutination test using Rhizobium tropici as antigen
  3. Use of aluminium hydroxide and calcium phosphate as delivery molecules for TGF-beta(1)
  4. Phenotyping of porcine peripheral and cat intestinal T cells by one or two colour flow cytometry
  5. Proliferation effects of phenylboronic acid and boric acid on canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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Prof. Dr. Hasan Hüseyin HADİMLİ

  1. Antibacterial effect of selected root-end filling materials
  2. Evaluation of humoral immunity of broilers during chronic aflatoxin (50 and 100 ppb) and clinoptilolite exposure
  3. Antimicrobial susceptibility and coagulase gene typing of Staphylococcus aureusisolated from bovine clinical mastitis cases in Turkey
  4. Serotypes of Salmonellaisolated from feces of cattle, buffalo, and camel and sensitivities to antibiotics in Turkey
  5. Toxinotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolates by ELISA and PCR from lambs suspected of enterotoxemia

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Prof. Dr. Zafer SAYIN

  1. Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Effects of Boron on Different Bacteria
  2. Mycoplasma infections in dairy cattle farms in Turkey
  3. Identification of Mycobacterium strains by PCR and PCR-REA
  4. Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis by PPD-ELISA and Sonication-ELISA
  5. Evaluation of Boron's Adjuvant Activity in Inactive Bacterin Vaccines Using the Mice Model

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Doç. Dr. Aslı BALEVİ

  1. Evaluation of random amplified polymorphic DNA and multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analyses for Mycoplasma cynos
  2. A one-year descriptive epidemiology of zoonotic abortifacient pathogen bacteria in farm animals in Turkey
  3. Investigation of the nontypical Pasteurella multocidastrains obtained from multiple sources, regions, and times: an unexpected increase was detected
  4. Typing of ΦSP-3 lytic Salmonellabacteriophages obtained from various fecal sources
  5. Comparison of the efficiency of concentrated soluble recombinant phospholipase D and natural phospholipase D enzymes

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Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ali USLU

Uslu, A., & Erganis, O. (2021). Development of Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 ΔOmp19 mutants with DIVA feature and comparison of their efficacy against three commercial vaccines in a mouse model. Molecular Immunology133, 44-52.

Uslu, A., Sanioglu Golen, G., Agah Tekindal, M., Sakmanoglu, A., Sayın, Z., Denizli, O., Gok, A., Erganis, O. (2022). Molecular cloning of the OMP19 gene from Brucella melitensis strain H38 and its antigenicity compared to that of commercial OMP19. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 561-569.

Uslu, A., Sayın, Z., Balevi, A., Ilban, A., Erganis, O. (2024)Microbiological characterization and genetic analysis of bacteria isolated from blood cultures and fecal samples in calves with symptoms of septicemia and diarrhea. Revista Científica De La Facultad De Ciencias Veterinarias De La Universidad Del Zulia, 34(1), 11.

USLU, A., ATALAY, M., DENİZLİ, O., SAKMANOĞLU, A., & SAYIN, Z. (2023) Microbiological analysis of commercial calf milk replacer and antibiotic resistance in isolated Enterococcus spp. Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques8(3), 241-248.

USLU, A., & ERGANİŞ, O. (2020). Making Brucella melitensis Rev.1 open to gene transfer with the help of spheroplast structure. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi13(2), 172-178.

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