
"Our National Cause Cyprus and Blue Homeland" conference was held at Selçuk University

"Our National Cause Cyprus and Blue Homeland" conference was held at Selçuk University

1/26/2024 - Coordinatorship of Corporate Communication

"Our National Cause Cyprus and Blue Homeland" conference was held at Selçuk University with the participation of Zorlu Töre, President of the Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The program held at Sultan Alparslan Cultural Center 30 August Hall; Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan, AK Party Konya Deputy Orhan Erdem, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Major General Cemil Lütfi Özkul, Deputy Mayor of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mustafa Uzbaş, Chief Public Prosecutor Halil İnal, Selçuk University Rector Prof. Dr. Metin Aksoy, Konya Bar Association President Atty. Oktay Unkur, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Ahmet Tuğrul Polat, Prof. Dr. Emrullah Eken, Prof. Dr. İlhan Çiftci, General Secretary Prof. Dr. Kamil Beşoluk, protocol members, veterans, relatives of martyrs, academics, administrative staff and students attended.

Expressing his pleasure to host Zorlu Töre, the Speaker of the Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Metin Aksoy, Rector of Selçuk University, said: "We are very happy and proud that Cyprus, our national cause, is commemorated within Selçuk University. Selçuk University family never forgets the values that make us who we are. We attach special importance to the commemoration of this cause on these platforms. These show us this: The road we are travelling is not only our road, there are thousands of strange oppressed people waiting for us at the end of this road.  The hope of these people is the great Turkey, and we are working and endeavouring for the vision of the Turkish Century shown by our President, who is the leader of the march of the great Turkey. We are working day and night. We really strive to ensure that the children of this country are well educated and receive an education at international standards, we ensure internationalisation, and we attach importance to studies in this sense. On the other hand, we also protect and never forget the values that make us who we are. We know that Turkey is not just Turkey. While working for this, we do not feel uncomfortable with the sacrifices we have made in any way. We have many departments and employees that we can show with pride and example. The great effort and endeavour of these employees is the idea of being a university worthy of this city and country."

Stating that he was happy to be in Konya, the capital of the Great Seljuk State, Zorlu Töre, President of the TRNC Assembly, gave information about the Cyprus problem and the latest developments in the region by explaining in detail the initiatives and operations carried out by Turkey to eliminate the oppression and persecution of the Turks in Cyprus within the scope of the conference "Our National Cause Cyprus and Blue Homeland".

Referring to the fact that the issue of human rights in the world is evaluated according to the interests of the great powers, Töre said that these powers remain silent about the human tragedies experienced on the island of Cyprus, just like in Gaza today.

President of the TRNC Assembly Töre continued his speech as follows: "Do not forget against whom you are fighting for independence. Know that there is poison at the end of the carrot that Europe extends. They have not changed today. Here is Gaza, how they commit massacres, how they commit genocide. Where is the United Nations, where are the European human rights, where is the United Nations Convention on Human Rights? The partners of massacre and genocide are the countries of the United Nations Security Council. They are the leading countries of the European Union. Our President gave them the best answer. Our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's words 'The world is bigger than five' fit exactly in its place. This saying was uttered before the genocide. But the massacre and genocide in Gaza once again showed how true this saying is. And many oppressed countries and weak countries of the world have now opened their eyes, hopefully a new world will be established after what happened in Gaza."

Emphasising the sense of unity and solidarity, President of the TRNC Assembly Töre said, "The British and the French are coming to the Eastern Mediterranean, they will conduct oil exploration. They keep troops in the Middle East, feed and train separatist terrorist organisations, but they say to Turkey: Withdraw from Cyprus, withdraw the drilling research ships in the Eastern Mediterranean. As Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, we are the biggest country in this geography. As the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, I do not separate ourselves from the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish nation as Turkish Cypriots. We are all one, we are one nation and we are the Turkish nation together. And we will exist together. We will continue on our way together. They will keep aircraft carriers in the Eastern Mediterranean, they will keep troops in the Middle East, they will keep submarine ships. But Turkey, the Turkish army should withdraw from this region. It should not go out from Iskenderun, Mersin Gulf and Antalya. Just watch the Mediterranean like this. No looting. Our rights are much more than theirs. They come from beyond oceans and seas, but we are in this geography. We have lives and blood in this geography. We owe a debt to our beloved martyrs, heroic veterans, our ancestors and the generations after us. Young people, you are the flag. You will not stain the flag. You will always recognise it as the supreme representation and your guide will be our history and our ancestors. You will never give up national and moral values."

Rector of Selçuk University Prof. Dr. Metin Aksoy presented the "Certificate of Friendship" and a gift to Zorlu Töre, Speaker of the TRNC Parliament.

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