11/23/2022 - Akşehir Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Protocols were signed between Akşehir Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and Akşehir Food Industrialists to provide scholarships to students who will be placed in the Food Engineering Department as of 2023 with YKS. The protocol signing ceremony was held at Akşehir Engineering and Architecture Faculty Dean's Office. Protocol from Akşehir Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Akşehir Food Industrialists; It was held between Aksantaş A.Ş., Uğurluoğlu Vegetable Oil and Başak Gıda businesses.
It is planned that the students who will enroll in the Food Engineering Department with the protocol will reach the relevant information in the 2023 OSYM preference guide. According to the protocol,
Between September and June, the first 10 students who will be placed in the Food Engineering Department with YKS in 2023-2024 will be paid a scholarship of 1000 TL each month for 4 years.
Regarding the protocol, the Dean of our Faculty Prof. Dr. Süleyman NEŞELİ; He wished that this protocol, which was signed between our faculty and Akşehir Industrialists, in order to ensure that the Food Engineering undergraduate program is preferred by more and highly qualified students, to encourage the success of the students and to contribute to the training of more qualified engineers for the food sector of our country, will be beneficial for Akşehir, our university and our country.