
Head of Department : Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZODAŞIK

Erasmus Coordinator : Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Nur GÖRKEMLİ

Farabi Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Makbule Evrim GÜLSÜNLER

Mevlana Coordinator : Prof.Dr.Hasret AKTAŞ

ECTS Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Ömer BAKAN

Bologna Coordinator :



In today's world, where communication technologies have entered every aspect of life and institutions can only be successful by maintaining the right relationship and communication with their target audiences, our main vision is to be a program that provides public relations education at international standards, conducts theory and practice together, successfully uses new communication technologies, educates innovative, researching and questioning students.


Mission :

The main mission of our program is to further develop a nationally recognized distinguished education, research and practice and to be in a position to have a say in the changes in the field of public relations. To carry out theoretical and applied research that will be accepted by the national and international scientific world, to provide a scientific environment conducive to the training of future public relations experts, to educate graduates who are qualified, committed to ethical and social values, who can easily access, produce and share information, and who have the ability to make appropriate and correct decisions.


Objective :

The aim of the Public Relations and Publicity Program is to train students who are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of public relations, who can research, question, observe the society they live in very well, produce long-term solutions to problems, use communication technologies well, plan and carry out all kinds of campaigns related to public relations, and carry out graduate education.


Program Language :



Program Description :

The aim of the Public Relations and Publicity program is to train students who are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of public relations, who can research, question, observe the society they live in very well, produce long-term solutions to problems, use communication technologies well, plan and carry out all kinds of campaigns related to public relations, and carry out graduate education.


Admission and Registration Requirements :

High school graduates are placed in the department of public relations and publicity centrally with verbal scores.


Recognition of Prior Education:

Public Relations and Publicity undergraduate program has the obligation to provide entrance requirements for transfer students who will transfer horizontally or vertically. In this regard, the relevant articles of Selçuk University Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations are valid.


Graduation Requirements :

 In order to graduate, students must complete a total of 240 ECTS courses in eight semesters. In the summer term at the end of the third year, students can do an optional internship.


Measurement and Evaluation Principles :

 Students are entitled to a midterm, final and make-up exam from each course. The passing grade is calculated by adding 40 percent of the midterm grade and 60 percent of the final grade. In order to be successful in a course, at least 60 points must be obtained. Students with a score between 50-59 can pass conditionally. In practical courses, exams can be carried out in practice, taking into account the same scoring rates.


Employment Opportunities :

Students who graduate from the department of public relations and publicity can work in public relations units of public and private institutions, health institutions, municipalities, political parties, non-governmental organizations, newspapers, radios and televisions. In addition, they can work in units such as human resources, advertising, marketing, board offices of various organizations.


Transferring to Graduate Programs :

Students who graduate from the department have the opportunity to do master's, non-thesis master's and doctorate in the field of public relations.

Academic Staff
Administrative Staff
Vocational School
Research Center
Student Community